NOTE: Effective January 28, 2024. Before building or clearing activities, property owners must provide a refundable Damage Deposit of $1000 by check, made to the Buck Springs Plantation Property Owners Association Inc. to ensure their contractors leave BSPPOA common property (roads, road shoulders, etc.) as or better than they found them after ARC approval and before construction starts.
Effective July 1st, 2023, you must sign up and submit all required documentation through the BSPPOA Owner Portal for approval on all clearing or building activity on your property.
FAQs…Before you build!
Welcome to Buck Springs Plantation. Our community is a deed restricted community. These deed restrictions should be provided to you by your closing attorney. A copy is also available on this website for prospective property owners. The community's architectural guidelines are outlined in the deeded Restricted Covenants, and additional requirement are listed in the documents on this page. These rules and submittals are intended to streamline the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) process, and to ensure that architectural and community standards are upheld and enforced fairly and uniformly to maintain the community’s appearance and property values.
The acceptable standard for appearance of property within Buck Spring Plantation (BSP) is based on the Restricted Covenants. The Covenants require that the owner of property within the community obtain prior written approval for any clearing and grading, new construction, accessory buildings, exterior alterations or additions to their property. All requests are subject to the Buck Spring Plantation Restrictive Covenants, as well as the rules and guidelines of the subdivision.
Question: How do I go about getting approval to build or modify my property?
Question: Do I need ARC approval if I have a building permit from Warren Count or Dominion Power?
Question: If I start without ARC approval, what might happen?
Question: I don’t plan on building for a while, am I required to join the POA and pay annual assessments?
Question: If I own multiple properties can I combine them to pay only one annual assessment?
Question: If I own multiple properties can I combine them to create a larger building lot?
Question: Can I clear my lot before building without approval or a house plan.
If you have any additional questions not answered here, please feel free to contact the board for further clarification. We look forward to having you as one of our neighbors!
Effective July 1st, 2023, you must sign up and submit all required documentation through the BSPPOA Owner Portal for approval on all clearing or building activity on your property.
FAQs…Before you build!
Welcome to Buck Springs Plantation. Our community is a deed restricted community. These deed restrictions should be provided to you by your closing attorney. A copy is also available on this website for prospective property owners. The community's architectural guidelines are outlined in the deeded Restricted Covenants, and additional requirement are listed in the documents on this page. These rules and submittals are intended to streamline the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) process, and to ensure that architectural and community standards are upheld and enforced fairly and uniformly to maintain the community’s appearance and property values.
The acceptable standard for appearance of property within Buck Spring Plantation (BSP) is based on the Restricted Covenants. The Covenants require that the owner of property within the community obtain prior written approval for any clearing and grading, new construction, accessory buildings, exterior alterations or additions to their property. All requests are subject to the Buck Spring Plantation Restrictive Covenants, as well as the rules and guidelines of the subdivision.
Question: How do I go about getting approval to build or modify my property?
- Answer: ARC request process:
- Read and familiarize yourself with the ARC guidelines and rules before starting any clearing, construction or building activity as outlined in the BSP restrictive covenants,
- Download the ARC forms, fill out the online request form completely and submit with the required supporting documents, for review to the Architectural Review Committee through owners portal on this website, or mailing it to Buck Spring Plantation POA, PO Box 267, Littleton, NC, 27850. Incomplete documentation will delay the review process. Review will not start until all submittals are complete.
- The ARC will review your request and get back with you within 30 days of receiving your completed request.
- Once approved, construction may begin.
- Your approval is valid for 1 year. If construction does not begin within this timeframe, you will need to resubmit for approval, prior to construction.
Question: Do I need ARC approval if I have a building permit from Warren Count or Dominion Power?
- Answer: Yes, ARC approval is required regardless of permitting process.
Question: If I start without ARC approval, what might happen?
- Answer: The board follows the guidelines set out in the Restrictive Covenants and the N.C. Planned Community Act. This would be a progressive step process, such as friendly warning, then fines and as a last resort, Legal action, if necessary, to ensure adherence to the documents and to maintain the community’s appearance and property values.
Question: I don’t plan on building for a while, am I required to join the POA and pay annual assessments?
- Answer: Yes. Even if you do not have a home, you’re always welcome to use the boat ramp, pavilions, day slips (while you are on the property), and attend community activities like any other property owner.
Question: If I own multiple properties can I combine them to pay only one annual assessment?
- Answer: No, you can combine lots with Warren County to receive one tax bill, but you will still be responsible to pay BSPPOA annual assessments on each individual lot.
Question: If I own multiple properties can I combine them to create a larger building lot?
- Answer: Yes, however you will still be required to pay BSPPOA annual assessment on each individual lot.
Question: Can I clear my lot before building without approval or a house plan.
- Answer: No, You must submit a site plan and grading plan to scale with limits of clearing and location of silt fence. You will still be required to submit a house plan for review before starting construction. If you clear your lot prior to building, you must keep the lot free of weeds, debris and maintain the silt fence in good operable until all construction is complete.
- Warren County Zoning Ordinance and Buck Spring Plantation requires silt fence to be installed prior to soil disturbance activities. A temporary sediment control device used on construction sites to protect water quality nearby surface waters and sediment (loose soil in stormwater runoff. It contains a piece of synthetic fiber fabric stretched between the series of wooden or metal stakes along the horizontal contour levels. Stakes are installed on the downhill side of the fence and the bottom edge of the fabric is trenched into the soil and backfilled on the uphill side the fence is installed on the site before soil disturbance begins, down slope from the disturbed area.
- This silt fence should remain in place until the conclusion of construction at final grading with certificate of occupancy. Failure to install silt fence prior to clearing will result in stoppage of work until silt fence is installed.
- Lot owner is responsible for returning common area roadside back to original or better condition as found before construction.
If you have any additional questions not answered here, please feel free to contact the board for further clarification. We look forward to having you as one of our neighbors!
No unauthorized use of photos on this site without written permission of the Buck Spring Plantation property owners association.